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Claim Payment Policy Bulletin

Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events


State mandates do not automatically apply to self-funded groups; therefore, individual group benefits must be verified.


The Company does not reimburse facilities or professional providers and other qualified health care professionals for events that should never occur in a facility environment (i.e., a Never Event) as defined below.  
  1. ​A surgical or other invasiv​e procedure performed in a facility on the wrong body part/wrong site
  2. A surgical or other invasive procedure performed in a facility on the wrong patient
  3. The wrong surgical or other invasive procedure performed on a patient in a facility
Members are held harmless in the case of a Never Event; therefore, participating providers are not permitted to seek reimbursement from the member in any form (including copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance).


The Company does not reimburse facilities for the increased incremental costs of inpatient care that result when an individual is harmed by one of the Preventable Serious Adverse Events listed below.

The Company does not reimburse professional providers and other qualified health care professionals for services directly related to any of the Preventable Serious Adverse Events listed below when all the criteria for a Preventable Serious Adverse Event are met as defined in this policy.

The Company does not reimburse the facility, professional provider, and other qualified health care professional​ for any services required to correct or treat the problem created by a Never Event or Preventable Serious Adverse Event when that event occurred under their control.

Subsequent services resulting from a Never Event or a Preventable Serious Adverse Event rendered by a separate facility and/or professional provider and other qualified health care professionals​ not involved with the initial Never Event or Preventable Serious Adverse Event will be eligible for reimbursement consideration.

Members are held harmless in the case of a Preventable Serious Adverse Event; therefore, participating providers are not permitted to seek reimbursement from the member in any form (including copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance).​

A Preventable Serious Adverse Event meets all of the following criteria:
  • Is reasonably preventable through the use of evidence-based guidelines and/or criteria
  • Is within the control of the facility or the providers practicing in the facility
  • Is the result of an error made in the facility (i.e., the condition was not present when the patient was admitted to the facility)
  • Result in serious or significant harm
  • Is clearly, unambiguously, and precisely identified, reportable, and measurable​
  • Is not Present on Admission (POA)
  • Is one of the following conditions that is considered reasonably preventable through the application of evidence-based protocols.
​​1.  Foreign object (e.g., sponge, needle) that is inadvertently left in a patient after surgery
2.  Air embolism
3.  Transfusion with the wrong type of blood
4.  Severe pressure ulcers: Stage III and Stage IV ulcers
5.  Certain falls and trauma that occur in the facility and result in:
  • Fracture
  • Joint dislocation
  • Head injury
  • Crushing injury
  • Burn
  • Electric shock

6.  Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)

7.  Vascular catheter–associated infection 

8.  Manifestations of poor control of blood sugar levels, including the following: 

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma
  • Hypoglycemic coma
  • Secondary diabetes with ketoacidosis
  • Secondary diabetes with hyperosmolarity
9.  Surgical site infection following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) including a sternal wound infection
10.  Surgical site infection following certain orthopedic procedures including the following:
  • Spine
  • Neck
  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
11.  Surgical site infection following cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) procedures
12.  Surgical site infection following bariatric surgery for obesity including the following:
  • Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy
  • Gastroenterostomy
  • Laparoscopic gastric restrictive surgery
13.  Iatrogenic pneumothorax with venous catheterization
14.  Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE) following certain orthopedic procedures including the following:
  • Total knee replacement
  • Hip replacement
There may be instances when one of these adverse conditions occurs despite adherence to nationally recognized standards of care. An adverse condition that occurs despite documented adherence to nationally recognized standards of care may not meet the criteria of a Preventable Serious Adverse Event and, therefore, may be eligible for reimbursement consideration.

When a retrospective medical record review substantiates a Never Event or a Preventable Serious Adverse Event as defined in this policy, reimbursement will be denied or adjusted accordingly.


All acute care inpatient hospitals must report claims with the Present on Admission (POA) indicator for all diagnosis codes reported​ on all acute care inpatient hospital claims, unless the diagnosis is exempt per the “POA Exempt Diagnosis” list as published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS). Claims with no POA indicator populated on an inpatient claim will not be accepted.


In addition to the reporting requirements of state, accrediting organizations, and participating provider contractual requirements, facilities and/or professional providers must report the Never Event or Preventable Serious Adverse Event​ to the Company by completing the form in Attachment C or providing the following information to the reporting address listed on the Attachment C form:

1. Member name and member ID number
2. A description of the event
3. Dates of services and occurrence of the event
4. Attending physician(s) 
5. Facility


The Company may require the submission of clinical information before or after the processing of a claim for services rendered to members.

The Company may conduct reviews and audits of services to our members, regardless of the participation status of the provider. All documentation is to be available to the Company upon request.


As part of the Company's Quality Management Program, the Company may request additional medical records for facility admissions with Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events.

This policy is consistent with the prevailing recommendations of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Leapfrog Group, Pennsylvania House Bill Number 84, New Jersey Act No. 2471, and the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. As of the date of this policy, this is the prevailing list of Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events that are subject to enforcement by CMS; however, the Company reserves the right to revise this list at any time with appropriate notice.


This policy is consistent with applicable state mandates. The laws of the state where the group benefit contract is issued determine the mandated coverage.


In 1998, a group of employers (the Leapfrog Group) came together to discuss how they could use their influence to positively impact the quality and affordability of healthcare. A 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine gave the Leapfrog founders an initial focus: reducing preventable medical mistakes. The report found that up to 98,000 Americans die every year from preventable medical errors made in hospitals. The founders realized that they could take "leaps" forward with their employees, retirees, and families by rewarding hospitals that implement significant improvements in quality and safety. The Leapfrog Group was officially launched in November 2000.

In 2002, the National Quality Forum (NQF), a private organization whose members include the American Medical Association (AMA), created and endorsed a list of "serious reportable events" in reference to medical errors that should never occur in a facility. These 27 events included injuries caused by errors in medical management, errors in surgical management, and errors that occurred as a result of failure to follow standards of care or hospital policies and procedures. Importantly, these 27 events were identified by the NQF as both serious and preventable. The list of events represented a consensus among representatives of all parts of the healthcare system, including physicians, hospitals, and other professional providers; public and private purchasers of healthcare; consumers; accrediting boards; and those involved in healthcare research and/or quality improvement. The list was expanded in 2006 to include a combination of 28 Serious Reportable Events (SRE) or “Never Events”. The second update of NQF’s SREs presents the results of evaluating the 28 NQF-endorsed SREs, with recommended modifications, and 12 new events considered under NQF’s Consensus Development Process (CDP). After evaluation against the threshold criteria of unambiguous, largely, if not entirely, preventable, and serious, 29 SREs (listed below) are recommended for endorsement as voluntary consensus standards suitable for public reporting.​

The purpose of the NQF-endorsed list of SREs in healthcare is to facilitate uniform and comparable public reporting to enable systematic learning across healthcare organizations and systems and to drive systematic national improvements in patient safety based on what is learned—both about the events and about how to prevent their recurrence. The SREs were originally envisioned as a set of events that might form the basis for a national state-based reporting system, and they continue to serve that purpose. Additionally, they have been used or adapted by national entities with the goal of illuminating such events to facilitate learning and improvement.

Using the criteria developed by the NQF, and working with other groups, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new Medicare and Medicaid payment and coverage policies to improve safety for hospitalized patients.

In 2007, CMS issued a final rule to end additional payments to hospitals for certain preventable conditions acquired during a hospital stay (i.e., Hospital-Acquired Conditions [HAC]). The CMS rule also prohibits passing these charges on to patients. The CMS selection criteria for HAC and the NQF selection criteria are similar, but not identical. Over time, CMS has published subsequent fiscal year final rules that have expanded the list of selected HACs that have Medicare payment implications. Hospitals are required to submit inpatient hospital charges with a Present on Admission (POA) indicator. POA is defined as a condition that is present at the time the order for inpatient admission occurs.

In 2009, CMS initiated three Medicare National Coverage Determinations (NCD) to address “wrong surgery,” a category of “never events” included in the NQF’s list of Serious Reportable Adverse Events. These three CMS NCDs address coverage for surgery on the wrong body part, surgery on the wrong patient, and wrong surgery performed on a patient.


A Never Event is defined as any of the following:
1. A surgical or other invasive procedure performed in a facility on the wrong body part/wrong site
2. A surgical or other invasive procedure performed in a facility on the wrong patient
3. The wrong surgical or other invasive procedure performed on a patient in a facility


A Preventable Serious Adverse Event meets all of the following criteria:
  • Is reasonably preventable through the use of evidence-based guidelines and/or criteria
  • Is within the control of the facility or the providers practicing in the facility
  • Is the result of an error made in the facility (i.e., the condition was not present when the patient was admitted to the facility)
  • Result in serious or significant harm
  • Is clearly, unambiguously, and precisely identified, reportable, and measurable​
  • Is not Present on Admission (POA)
  • Is one of the following conditions that is considered reasonably preventable through the application of evidence-based protocols.​
The following are Serious Reportable Events as defined by the NQF:
1. Surgical or Invasive Procedure Events 

1a. Surgery or other invasive procedure performed on the wrong site

1b. Surgery or other invasive procedure performed on the wrong patient

1c. Wrong surgical or other invasive procedure performed on a patient

1d. Unintended retention of a foreign object in a patient after surgery or other invasive procedure

1e. Intraoperative or immediately postoperative/postprocedure death in an ASA Class 1 patient


2. Product or Device Events 

2a. Patient death or serious injury associated with the use of contaminated drugs, devices, or biologics provided by the healthcare setting

2b. Patient death or serious injury associated with the use or function of a device in patient care, in which the device is used or functions other than as intended

2c. Patient death or serious injury associated with intravascular air embolism that occurs while being cared for in a healthcare setting


3. Patient Protection Events 

3a. Discharge or release of a patient/resident of any age, who is unable to make decisions, to other than an authorized person

3b. Patient death or serious injury associated with patient elopement (disappearance)

3c. Patient suicide, attempted suicide, or self-harm that results in serious injury, while being cared for in a healthcare setting 


4. Care Management Events 

4a. Patient death or serious injury associated with a medication error (e.g., errors involving the wrong drug, wrong dose, wrong patient, wrong time, wrong rate, wrong preparation, or wrong route of administration)

4b. Patient death or serious injury associated with unsafe administration of blood products

4c. Maternal death or serious injury associated with labor or delivery in a low-risk pregnancy while being cared for in a healthcare setting

4d. Death or serious injury of a neonate associated with labor or delivery in a low-risk pregnancy

4e. Patient death or serious injury associated with a fall while being cared for in a healthcare setting

4f.  Any Stage 3, Stage 4, and unstageable pressure ulcers acquired after admission/presentation to a healthcare setting

4g. Artificial insemination with the wrong donor sperm or wrong egg

4h. Patient death or serious injury resulting from the irretrievable loss of an irreplaceable biological specimen

4i.  Patient death or serious injury resulting from failure to follow-up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results


5. Environmental Events 

5a. Patient or staff death or serious injury associated with an electric shock in the course of a patient care process in a healthcare setting

5b. Any incident in which systems designated for oxygen or other gas to be delivered to a patient contains no gas, the wrong gas, or are contaminated by toxic substances

5c. Patient or staff death or serious injury associated with a burn incurred from any source in the course of a patient care process in a healthcare setting

5d. Patient death or serious injury associated with the use of physical restraints or bedrails while being cared for in a healthcare setting


6. Radiologic Events

6a. Death or serious injury of a patient or staff associated with the introduction of a metallic object into the MRI area


7. Potential Criminal Events 

7a. Any instance of care ordered by or provided by someone impersonating a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other licensed healthcare provider

7b. Abduction of a patient/resident of any age

7c. Sexual abuse/assault on a patient or staff member within or on the grounds of a healthcare setting

7d. Death or serious injury of a patient or staff member resulting from a physical assault (i.e., battery) that occurs within or on the grounds of a healthcare setting 


All claims involving inpatient admissions to general acute care hospitals or other facilities that are subject to a law or regulation mandating collection of present on admission information. 

Present on admission is defined as present at the time the order for inpatient admission occurs, conditions that develop during an outpatient encounter, including emergency department, observation, or outpatient surgery, are considered as present on admission.

The following list of POA indicators are applicable to both the primary and secondary diagnosis codes as well as the external cause of injury codes:
Y    -   Present at the time of inpatient admission  
N    -   Not present at the time of inpatient admission  
U    -   Documentation is insufficient to determine if condition is present on admission  
W   -   Provider is unable to clinically determine whether condition was present on admission or not  
1    -   Unreported/Not used. Exempt from POA reporting. The “1” POA Indicator should not be applied to any codes on the HAC list.

​For purposes of this policy, a facility is defined as a short-term or long-term, duly licensed acute care, general hospital, or a duly licensed pediatric or cancer hospital, an ambulatory surgical center (ASC), or a skilled nursing facility. 

For purposes of this policy, a facility does not include any of the following: nursing home; custodial care home; health resort, spa or sanitarium; place for rest; place for aged; place for treatment of mental illness; place for treatment of alcohol or drug abuse; place for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis; or place for provision of hospice care.

For purposes of this policy, professional providers and other qualified healthcare professionals are those who are involved in surgical procedures including, but not limited to: operating surgeon, surgical assistant, and anesthesiologist.


Effective August 9, 2009, Pennsylvania House Bill Number 84, the Preventable Serious Adverse Events Act, defines language associated with preventable serious adverse events. This bill states: "A healthcare provider may not knowingly seek payment from a health payer or patient for a preventable serious adverse event or for any services required to correct or treat the problem created by a preventable serious adverse event when that event occurred under their control."

Effective February 27, 2010, New Jersey Act No. 2471 prohibits hospitals from seeking payment for costs associated with conditions or events that are subject to the hospital-acquired condition payment provisions of the Medicare program, as regulated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

For additional state mandate information, refer to Attachments A and B of this policy.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Patient safety primers. Never events. [AHRQ Web site]. September 2019. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Fact Sheets. Details for: CMS improves patient safety for Medicare and Medicaid by addressing Never Events. [CMS Web site]. 08/04/08. Available at: June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Fact Sheets. Details for: Medicare takes new steps to help make your hospital stay safer. [CMS Web site]. 08/04/08. Available at: 

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Hospital acquired conditions. [CMS Web site]. 2013. Available at: June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Medicare & Medicaid Research Review (MMRR). Enhancing Medicare's hospital-acquired conditions policy to encompass readmissions. [CMS Web site]. 2012. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). National Coverage Determination (NCD). 140.7: Surgical or other invasive procedure performed on the wrong body part. [CMS Web site]. 07/06/09. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). National Coverage Determination (NCD).140.8: Surgical or other invasive procedure performed on the wrong patient. [CMS Web site]. 01/15/09. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). National Coverage Determination (NCD). 140.6: Wrong surgical or other invasive procedure performed on a patient. [CMS Web site]. 01/15/09. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Office of Research, Development, and Information (ORDI). Evidence-based guidelines for selected and previously considered hospital-acquired conditions. [CMS Web site]. 04/28/2016. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.


General Assembly of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania House Bill No. 84. Preventable Serious Adverse Events Act. [PA State Legislature Web site]. 06/01/09. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Leapfrog Group. Leapfrog Group position statement on never events. [Leapfrog Group Web site]. Available at:​. Accessed June 5, 2024.

National Quality Forum (NQF). Fact Sheet: Serious reportable events transparency & accountability are critical to reducing medical errors. [NQF Web Site]. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024.

Senate Committee Substitute for SENATE, No. 2471. State of New Jersey 213 Legislature. An Act concerning patient safety and supplementing Title 26 of the Revised Statutes. [State of New Jersey Web site]. 01/26/2009. Available at: Accessed June 5, 2024​.


CPT Procedure Code Number(s)

ICD - 10 Procedure Code Number(s)

ICD - 10 Diagnosis Code Number(s)
Y65.51 Performance of wrong procedure (operation) on correct patient
Y65.52 Performance of procedure (operation) on patient not scheduled for surgery​​
Y65.53 Performance of correct procedure (operation) on wrong side or body part

Refer to the CMS ICD-10 Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC) List page and select the zip file associated with the fiscal year:

Refer to the CMS ICD-10 MS-DRG Conversion Project page and select the following zip file associated with Present on Admission Exempt List:

HCPCS Level II Code Number(s)

Revenue Code Number(s)


PA    Surgery Wrong Body Part

PB    Surgery Wrong Patient

PC    Wrong Surgery on Patient

Cross Reference

Policy History

Revisions From 00.01.44j:
This version of the policy will become effective 06/26/2024.​ The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events​.​
This version of the policy will become effective 12/05/2022.​ The policy has been reviewed and updated to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events​.​

Revisions From 00.01.44i:
This policy has been updated with the categories of "Never Events" as defined by the National Quality Forum's endorsed list of Serious Reportable Events. The policy  description has been updated to include the list of present on admission (POA) indicators.

Attachment A has been removed from the policy, and the direct links to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)​ list of hospital acquired conditions (HAC) and Present on Admission Exempt List​ have provided in the coding section.​

The Attachment D "Never Event or Preventable Adverse Event Reporting form" was revised to be Attachment C "Never Event or Preventable Serious Adverse Event Reporting form."

Revisions From 00.01.44h:

This policy has been updated for the ICD-10 CM code update, effective 10/01/2018.

The following ICD-10 CM codes have been 
added to the policy:
T81.40XA: Infection following a procedure, unspecified, initial encounter
T81.41XA: Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.42XA: Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.43XA: Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, initial encounter
T81.44XA: Sepsis following a procedure, initial encounter
T81.49XA: Infection following a procedure, other surgical site, initial encounter

This policy has been updated for the ICD-10 CM code update, effective 10/01/2018.

The following ICD-10 CM code has been termed from the policy:

T81.4XXA: Infection following a procedure, initial encounter

This policy has been updated for the ICD-10 CM code update, effective 10/01/2018.

The following ICD-10 CM narratives have been revised in this policy:

FROM: Displaced fracture of medial phalanx of right little finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Displaced fracture of middle phalanx of right little finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Displaced fracture of medial phalanx of left little finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Displaced fracture of middle phalanx of left little finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Displaced fracture of medial phalanx of other finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Displaced fracture of middle phalanx of other finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Displaced fracture of medial phalanx of unspecified finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Displaced fracture of middle phalanx of unspecified finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Nondisplaced fracture of medial phalanx of right ring finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of right ring finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Nondisplaced fracture of medial phalanx of left ring finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of left ring finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Nondisplaced fracture of medial phalanx of right little finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of right little finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Nondisplaced fracture of medial phalanx of left little finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of left little finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Nondisplaced fracture of medial phalanx of other finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of other finger, initial encounter for open fracture

FROM: Nondisplaced fracture of medial phalanx of unspecified finger, initial encounter for open fracture
TO: Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of unspecified finger, initial encounter for open fracture

Effective 10/05/2017 this policy has been updated to the new policy template format.
Claim Payment Policy Bulletin
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