A05.1 Botulism food poisoning
A35 Other tetanus
A48.51 Infant botulism
A48.52 Wound botulism
B91 Sequelae of poliomyelitis
E71.314 Muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency
E71.41 Primary carnitine deficiency
E71.42 Carnitine deficiency due to inborn errors of metabolism
E71.43 Iatrogenic carnitine deficiency
E71.440 Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith syndrome
E71.448 Other secondary carnitine deficiency
E74.02 Pompe disease
E74.03 Cori disease
E74.04 McArdle disease
E74.05 Lysosome-associated membrane protein 2 [LAMP2] deficiency
E74.09 Other glycogen storage disease
E79.2 Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency
G12.0 Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig-Hoffman]
G12.1 Other inherited spinal muscular atrophy
G12.20 Motor neuron disease, unspecified
G12.21 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
G12.22 Progressive bulbar palsy
G12.23 Primary lateral sclerosis
G12.24 Familial motor neuron disease
G12.25 Progressive spinal muscle atrophy
G12.29 Other motor neuron disease
G12.8 Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes
G12.9 Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified
G14 Postpolio syndrome
G70.00 Myasthenia gravis without (acute) exacerbation
G70.01 Myasthenia gravis with (acute) exacerbation
G70.1 Toxic myoneural disorders
G70.2 Congenital and developmental myasthenia
G70.80 Lambert-Eaton syndrome, unspecified
G70.81 Lambert-Eaton syndrome in disease classified elsewhere
G70.89 Other specified myoneural disorders
G70.9 Myoneural disorder, unspecified
G71.00 Muscular dystrophy, unspecified
G71.01 Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy
G71.02 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
G71.031 Autosomal dominant limb girdle muscular dystrophy
G71.032 Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to calpain-3 dysfunction
G71.033 Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to dysferlin dysfunction
G71.0341 Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to alpha sarcoglycan dysfunction
G71.0342 Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to beta sarcoglycan dysfunction
G71.0349 Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to other sarcoglycan dysfunction
G71.035 Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to anoctamin-5 dysfunction
G71.038 Other limb girdle muscular dystrophy
G71.09 Other specified muscular dystrophies
G71.11 Myotonic muscular dystrophy
G71.12 Myotonia congenita
G71.13 Myotonic chondrodystrophy
G71.14 Drug induced myotonia
G71.19 Other specified myotonic disorders
G71.20 Congenital myopathy, unspecified
G71.21 Nemaline myopathy
G71.220 X-linked myotubular myopathy
G71.228 Other centronuclear myopathy
G71.29 Other congenital myopathy
G71.3 Mitochondrial myopathy, not elsewhere classified
G71.8 Other primary disorders of muscles
G71.9 Primary disorder of muscle, unspecified
G72.0 Drug-induced myopathy
G72.1 Alcoholic myopathy
G72.2 Myopathy due to other toxic agents
G72.3 Periodic paralysis
G72.41 Inclusion body myositis [IBM]
G72.49 Other inflammatory and immune myopathies, not elsewhere classified
G72.81 Critical illness myopathy
G72.89 Other specified myopathies
G72.9 Myopathy, unspecified
G73.1 Lambert-Eaton syndrome in neoplastic disease
G73.3 Myasthenic syndromes in other diseases classified elsewhere
G73.7 Myopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
H02.421 Myogenic ptosis of right eyelid
H02.422 Myogenic ptosis of left eyelid
H02.423 Myogenic ptosis of bilateral eyelids
H05.821 Myopathy of extraocular muscles, right orbit
H05.822 Myopathy of extraocular muscles, left orbit
H05.823 Myopathy of extraocular muscles, bilateral
H53.2 Diplopia
H53.8 Other visual disturbances
M05.411 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right shoulder
M05.412 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left shoulder
M05.421 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right elbow
M05.422 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left elbow
M05.431 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right wrist
M05.432 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left wrist
M05.441 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right hand
M05.442 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left hand
M05.451 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right hip
M05.452 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left hip
M05.461 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right knee
M05.462 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left knee
M05.471 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right ankle and foot
M05.472 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left ankle and foot
M05.49 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of multiple sites
M21.371 Foot drop, right foot
M21.372 Foot drop, left foot
M33.02 Juvenile dermatomyositis with myopathy
M33.12 Other dermatomyositis with myopathy
M33.22 Polymyositis with myopathy
M33.92 Dermatopolymyositis, unspecified with myopathy
M34.82 Systemic sclerosis with myopathy
M35.03 Sjogren syndrome with myopathy
M36.0 Dermato(poly)myositis in neoplastic disease
M60.011 Infective myositis, right shoulder
M60.012 Infective myositis, left shoulder
M60.021 Infective myositis, right upper arm
M60.022 Infective myositis, left upper arm
M60.031 Infective myositis, right forearm
M60.032 Infective myositis, left forearm
M60.041 Infective myositis, right hand
M60.042 Infective myositis, left hand
M60.044 Infective myositis, right finger(s)
M60.045 Infective myositis, left finger(s)
M60.051 Infective myositis, right thigh
M60.052 Infective myositis, left thigh
M60.061 Infective myositis, right lower leg
M60.062 Infective myositis, left lower leg
M60.070 Infective myositis, right ankle
M60.071 Infective myositis, left ankle
M60.073 Infective myositis, right foot
M60.074 Infective myositis, left foot
M60.076 Infective myositis, right toe(s)
M60.077 Infective myositis, left toe(s)
M60.08 Infective myositis, other site
M60.09 Infective myositis, multiple sites
M60.111 Interstitial myositis, right shoulder
M60.112 Interstitial myositis, left shoulder
M60.121 Interstitial myositis, right upper arm
M60.122 Interstitial myositis, left upper arm
M60.131 Interstitial myositis, right forearm
M60.132 Interstitial myositis, left forearm
M60.141 Interstitial myositis, right hand
M60.142 Interstitial myositis, left hand
M60.151 Interstitial myositis, right thigh
M60.152 Interstitial myositis, left thigh
M60.161 Interstitial myositis, right lower leg
M60.162 Interstitial myositis, left lower leg
M60.171 Interstitial myositis, right ankle and foot
M60.172 Interstitial myositis, left ankle and foot
M60.18 Interstitial myositis, other site
M60.19 Interstitial myositis, multiple sites
M60.811 Other myositis, right shoulder
M60.812 Other myositis, left shoulder
M60.821 Other myositis, right upper arm
M60.822 Other myositis, left upper arm
M60.831 Other myositis, right forearm
M60.832 Other myositis, left forearm
M60.841 Other myositis, right hand
M60.842 Other myositis, left hand
M60.851 Other myositis, right thigh
M60.852 Other myositis, left thigh
M60.861 Other myositis, right lower leg
M60.862 Other myositis, left lower leg
M60.871 Other myositis, right ankle and foot
M60.872 Other myositis, left ankle and foot
M60.88 Other myositis, other site
M60.89 Other myositis, multiple sites
M62.511 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right shoulder
M62.512 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left shoulder
M62.521 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right upper arm
M62.522 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left upper arm
M62.531 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right forearm
M62.532 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left forearm
M62.541 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right hand
M62.542 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left hand
M62.551 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right thigh
M62.552 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left thigh
M62.561 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right lower leg
M62.562 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left lower leg
M62.571 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, right ankle and foot
M62.572 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, left ankle and foot
M62.58 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, other site
M62.59 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, multiple sites
M62.5A0 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, back, cervical
M62.5A1 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, back, thoracic
M62.5A2 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, back, lumbosacral
M62.81 Muscle weakness (generalized)
M62.82 Rhabdomyolysis
M62.830 Muscle spasm of back
M62.831 Muscle spasm of calf
M62.838 Other muscle spasm
M63.811 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right shoulder
M63.812 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left shoulder
M63.821 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right upper arm
M63.822 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left upper arm
M63.831 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right forearm
M63.832 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left forearm
M63.841 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right hand
M63.842 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left hand
M63.851 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right thigh
M63.852 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left thigh
M63.861 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right lower leg
M63.862 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left lower leg
M63.871 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, right ankle and foot
M63.872 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, left ankle and foot
M63.88 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, other site
M63.89 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites
M79.11 Myalgia of mastication muscle
M79.12 Myalgia of auxiliary muscles, head and neck
M79.18 Myalgia, other site
R06.02 Shortness of breath
R13.12 Dysphagia, oropharyngeal phase
R13.13 Dysphagia, pharyngeal phase
R13.14 Dysphagia, pharyngoesophageal phase
R13.19 Other dysphagia
R25.2 Cramp and spasm
R25.3 Fasciculation
R29.810 Facial weakness
R47.1 Dysarthria and anarthria
R47.81 Slurred speech
R53.83 Other fatigue
R63.39 Other feeding difficulties