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Medical Policy Bulletin



This policy uses coverage criteria developed solely based on applicable Medicare statutes, regulations, NCDs, LCDs, CMS manuals and other applicable Medicare coverage documents.

Abortions are covered and eligible for reimbursement consideration by the Company when ​ANY of following requirements are met:

  • If the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.
  • In the case where an individual suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would, as certified by a professional provider, place the individual​ in danger of death unless an abortion is performed.
Abortions performed for any other indication are considered not covered and, therefore, not eligible for reimbursement.


The individual's medical record must reflect the medical necessity for the care provided. These medical records may include, but are not limited to: records from the professional provider's office, hospital, nursing home, home health agencies, therapies, and test reports.

The Company may conduct reviews and audits of services to our members, regardless of the participation status of the provider. All documentation is to be available to the Company upon request. Failure to produce the requested information may result in a denial for the service.


This policy is consistent with Medicare’s coverage determination. The Company’s payment methodology may differ from Medicare.


Subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Evidence of Coverage, abortion is covered under the medical benefits of the Company’s Medicare Advantage products when the coverage criteria listed in this medical policy are met.

For Medicare Advantage members, certain drugs are available through either the member's medical benefit (Part B benefit) or pharmacy benefit (Part D benefit), depending on how the drug is prescribed, dispensed, or administered. This medical policy only addresses instances when medical abortion drugs are covered under a member's medical benefit (Part B benefit). It does not address instances when medical abortion drugs are covered under a member’s pharmacy benefit (Part D benefit).


Abortion is defined as the expulsion or extraction of the products of conception from the uterus prior to the state of viability. Abortions are classified as elective or non-elective.


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Coverage Determination (NCD). 140.1: Abortion. [CMS Web site]. 06/19/06. Available at: Accessed January 21, 2025.​


CPT Procedure Code Number(s)
59840, 59841, 59850, 59851, 59852, 59855, 59856, 59857, 59866

ICD - 10 Procedure Code Number(s)

ICD - 10 Diagnosis Code Number(s)
Z33.2 Encounter for elective termination of pregnancy

HCPCS Level II Code Number(s)

S0199 Medically induced abortion by oral ingestion of medication including all associated services and supplies (e.g., patient counseling, office visits, confirmation of pregnancy by HCG, ultrasound to confirm duration of pregnancy, ultrasound to confirm completion of abortion) except drugs

S2260 Induced abortion, 17 to 24 weeks

S2265 Induced abortion, 25 to 28 weeks

S2266 Induced abortion, 29 to 31 weeks

S2267 Induced abortion, 32 weeks or greater


J8610 Methotrexate; oral, 2.5 mg

J8611 Methotrexate (jylamvo), oral, 2.5 mg

J8612 Methotrexate (xatmep), oral, 2.5 mg

J9255 Injection, methotrexate (accord) not therapeutically equivalent to J9260, 50 mg

J9260 Injection, methotrexate sodium, 50 mg

S0190 Mifepristone, oral, 200 mg

S0191 Misoprostol, oral, 200 mcg​

Revenue Code Number(s)


Modifier G7 Pregnancy resulted from rape or incest or pregnancy certified by physician as life threatening

Coding and Billing Requirements

The G7 modifier should be reported with the appropriate CPT and/or HCPCS code.

Policy History

Revisions From MA11.010d:
The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.
This version of the policy will become effective 07/01/2024.

Inclusion of a policy in a Code Update memo does not imply that a full review of
the policy was completed at this time.

The following HCPCS codes have been added to this policy:​

J8611 Methotrexate (jylamvo), oral, 2.5 mg
J8612 Methotrexate (xatmep), oral, 2.5 mg

Revisions From MA11.010c:
This version of the policy will become effective 04/01/2024.
Inclusion of a policy in a Code Update memo does not imply that a full review of
the policy was completed at this time.
The following HCPCS code has been termed (no longer valid code) and removed from this policy:
J9250 Methotrexate sodium, 5 mg​

The following HCPCS code has been revised in this policy:
J9260 Injection, methotrexate sodium, 50 mg

Revisions From MA11.010b:
The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.
01/02/2024This version of the policy will become effective 01/02/2024.
Inclusion of a policy in a Code Update memo does not imply that a full review of
the policy was completed at this time.

The following HCPCS code has been added to this policy:

J9255 Injection, methotrexate (accord) not therapeutically equivalent to J9250 and J9260, 50 mg​​

Revisions From MA11.010a:
Effective 01/01/2024 this policy applies to New Jersey Medicare Advantage (MA) lines of business.
The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.
The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.

The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.
This policy has been reissued in accordance with the Company's annual review process.

The policy has been reviewed and issued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.

The policy has been reviewed and issued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.
This version of the policy will become effective 02/22/2017.

The policy has been reviewed and issued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion. The intent of the policy remains unchanged.

The following ICD-10 CM code has been added to this policy: Z33.2.

Revisions From MA11.010:
03/30/2016The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on abortion.
01/07/2015The policy has been reviewed and reissued to communicate the Company’s continuing position on Abortion.
01/01/2015This is a new policy.​

Medical Policy Bulletin
Medicare Advantage