M40.36 | Flatback syndrome, lumbar region |
M40.37 | Flatback syndrome, lumbosacral region |
M40.46 | Postural lordosis, lumbar region |
M40.47 | Postural lordosis, lumbosacral region |
M40.56 | Lordosis, unspecified, lumbar region |
M40.57 | Lordosis, unspecified, lumbosacral region |
M41.26 | Other idiopathic scoliosis, lumbar region |
M41.27 | Other idiopathic scoliosis, lumbosacral region |
M41.56 | Other secondary scoliosis, lumbar region |
M41.57 | Other secondary scoliosis, lumbosacral region
M42.16 | Adult osteochondrosis of spine, lumbar region |
M42.17 | Adult osteochondrosis of spine, lumbosacral region |
M43.06 | Spondylolysis, lumbar region |
M43.07 | Spondylolysis, lumbosacral region |
M43.16 | Spondylolisthesis, lumbar region |
M43.17 | Spondylolisthesis, lumbosacral region |
M43.26 | Fusion of spine, lumbar region |
M43.27 | Fusion of spine, lumbosacral region |
M43.5X6 | Other recurrent vertebral dislocation, lumbar region |
M43.5X7 | Other recurrent vertebral dislocation, lumbosacral region |
M43.8X6 | Other specified deforming dorsopathies, lumbar region |
M43.8X7 | Other specified deforming dorsopathies, lumbosacral region |
M47.16 | Other spondylosis with myelopathy, lumbar region |
M47.26 | Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, lumbar region |
M47.27 | Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, lumbosacral region |
M47.816 | Spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, lumbar region |
M47.817 | Spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, lumbosacral
region |
M47.896 | Other spondylosis, lumbar region |
M47.897 | Other spondylosis, lumbosacral region |
M48.061 | Spinal stenosis, lumbar region without neurogenic claudication |
M48.062 | Spinal stenosis, lumbar region with neurogenic claudication |
M48.07 | Spinal stenosis, lumbosacral region |
M48.16 | Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], lumbar region |
M48.17 | Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], lumbosacral region |
M48.26 | Kissing spine, lumbar region |
M48.27 | Kissing spine, lumbosacral region |
M48.36 | Traumatic spondylopathy, lumbar region |
M48.37 | Traumatic spondylopathy, lumbosacral region |
M48.8X6 | Other specified spondylopathies, lumbar region |
M48.8X7 | Other specified spondylopathies, lumbosacral region |
M51.06 | Intervertebral disc disorders with myelopathy, lumbar region |
M51.16 | Intervertebral disc disorders with radiculopathy, lumbar
region |
M51.17 | Intervertebral disc disorders with radiculopathy, lumbosacral
region |
M51.26 | Other intervertebral disc displacement, lumbar region |
M51.27 | Other intervertebral disc displacement, lumbosacral region |
M51.360 | Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region with discogenic back pain only |
| Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region with lower extremity pain only
| Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region with discogenic back pain and lower extremity pain
| Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region without mention of lumbar back pain or lower extremity pain
M51.370 | Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbosacral region
with discogenic back pain only |
M51.371 | Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbosacral region
with lower extremity pain only |
M51.372 | Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbosacral region
with discogenic back pain and lower extremity pain |
| Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbosacral region
without mention of lumbar back pain or lower extremity pain |
M51.46 | Schmorl's nodes, lumbar region |
M51.47 | Schmorl's nodes, lumbosacral region |
M51.86 | Other intervertebral disc disorders, lumbar region |
M51.87 | Other intervertebral disc disorders, lumbosacral region |
M53.2X6 | Spinal instabilities, lumbar region |
M53.2X7 | Spinal instabilities, lumbosacral region |
M53.86 | Other specified dorsopathies, lumbar region |
M53.87 | Other specified dorsopathies, lumbosacral region |
M54.16 | Radiculopathy, lumbar region |
M54.17 | Radiculopathy, lumbosacral region |
M54.31 | Sciatica, right side |
M54.32 | Sciatica, left side |
M54.41 | Lumbago with sciatica, right side |
M54.42 | Lumbago with sciatica, left side |
M54.50 | Low back pain, unspecified |
M54.51 | Vertebrogenic low back pain |
M54.59 | Other low back pain |
S32.000A | Wedge compression fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.000B | Wedge compression fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
initial encounter for open fracture |
S32.000D | Wedge compression fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.000G | Wedge compression fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.000K | Wedge compression fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.000S | Wedge compression fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
sequela |
S32.001A | Stable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.001B | Stable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.001D | Stable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.001G | Stable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.001K | Stable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.001S | Stable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.002A | Unstable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.002B | Unstable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
initial encounter for open fracture |
S32.002D | Unstable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.002G | Unstable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.002K | Unstable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.002S | Unstable burst fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
sequela |
S32.008A | Other fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.008B | Other fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.008D | Other fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.008G | Other fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.008K | Other fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.008S | Other fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.009A | Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.009B | Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.009D | Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.009G | Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.009K | Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.009S | Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.010A | Wedge compression fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.010B | Wedge compression fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.010D | Wedge compression fracture of first lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.010G | Wedge compression fracture of first lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.010K | Wedge compression fracture of first lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.010S | Wedge compression fracture of first lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.011A | Stable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.011B | Stable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.011D | Stable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.011G | Stable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.011K | Stable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.011S | Stable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.012A | Unstable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.012B | Unstable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.012D | Unstable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.012G | Unstable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.012K | Unstable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.012S | Unstable burst fracture of first lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.018A | Other fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for
closed fracture |
S32.018B | Other fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for
open fracture |
S32.018D | Other fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with routine healing |
S32.018G | Other fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.018K | Other fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with nonunion |
S32.018S | Other fracture of first lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.019A | Unspecified fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.019B | Unspecified fracture of first lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.019D | Unspecified fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.019G | Unspecified fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.019K | Unspecified fracture of first lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.019S | Unspecified fracture of first lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.020A | Wedge compression fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.020B | Wedge compression fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.020D | Wedge compression fracture of second lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.020G | Wedge compression fracture of second lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.020K | Wedge compression fracture of second lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.020S | Wedge compression fracture of second lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.021A | Stable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.021B | Stable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.021D | Stable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.021G | Stable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.021K | Stable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.021S | Stable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.022A | Unstable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.022B | Unstable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.022D | Unstable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.022G | Unstable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.022K | Unstable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.022S | Unstable burst fracture of second lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.028A | Other fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial encounter
for closed fracture |
S32.028B | Other fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial encounter
for open fracture |
S32.028D | Other fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with routine healing |
S32.028G | Other fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.028K | Other fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with nonunion |
S32.028S | Other fracture of second lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.029A | Unspecified fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.029B | Unspecified fracture of second lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.029D | Unspecified fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.029G | Unspecified fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.029K | Unspecified fracture of second lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.029S | Unspecified fracture of second lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.030A | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.030B | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.030D | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.030G | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.030K | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.030S | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.031A | Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.031B | Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.031D | Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.031G | Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.031K | Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.031S | Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.032A | Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.032B | Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.032D | Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.032G | Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.032K | Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.032S | Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.038A | Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for
closed fracture |
S32.038B | Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for
open fracture |
S32.038D | Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with routine healing |
S32.038G | Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.038K | Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with nonunion |
S32.038S | Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.039A | Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.039B | Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.039D | Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.039G | Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.039K | Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.039S | Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.040A | Wedge compression fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.040B | Wedge compression fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.040D | Wedge compression fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.040G | Wedge compression fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.040K | Wedge compression fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.040S | Wedge compression fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.041A | Stable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.041B | Stable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.041D | Stable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.041G | Stable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.041K | Stable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.041S | Stable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.042A | Unstable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.042B | Unstable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.042D | Unstable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.042G | Unstable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.042K | Unstable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.042S | Unstable burst fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.048A | Other fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial encounter
for closed fracture |
S32.048B | Other fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial encounter
for open fracture |
S32.048D | Other fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with routine healing |
S32.048G | Other fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.048K | Other fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with nonunion |
S32.048S | Other fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.049A | Unspecified fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.049B | Unspecified fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.049D | Unspecified fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.049G | Unspecified fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.049K | Unspecified fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.049S | Unspecified fracture of fourth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.050A | Wedge compression fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.050B | Wedge compression fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.050D | Wedge compression fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.050G | Wedge compression fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.050K | Wedge compression fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra,
subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.050S | Wedge compression fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.051A | Stable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.051B | Stable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.051D | Stable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.051G | Stable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.051K | Stable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.051S | Stable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.052A | Unstable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.052B | Unstable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.052D | Unstable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.052G | Unstable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.052K | Unstable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.052S | Unstable burst fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.058A | Other fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for
closed fracture |
S32.058B | Other fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for
open fracture |
S32.058D | Other fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with routine healing |
S32.058G | Other fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.058K | Other fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
for fracture with nonunion |
S32.058S | Other fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S32.059A | Unspecified fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for closed fracture |
S32.059B | Unspecified fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, initial
encounter for open fracture |
S32.059D | Unspecified fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with routine healing |
S32.059G | Unspecified fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with delayed healing |
S32.059K | Unspecified fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter for fracture with nonunion |
S32.059S | Unspecified fracture of fifth lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.0XXA | Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc, initial
encounter |
S33.0XXD | Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc, subsequent
encounter |
S33.0XXS | Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc, sequela |
S33.100A | Subluxation of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.100D | Subluxation of unspecified lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter |
S33.100S | Subluxation of unspecified lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.101A | Dislocation of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.101D | Dislocation of unspecified lumbar vertebra, subsequent
encounter |
S33.101S | Dislocation of unspecified lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.110A | Subluxation of L1/L2 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.110D | Subluxation of L1/L2 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.110S | Subluxation of L1/L2 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.111A | Dislocation of L1/L2 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.111D | Dislocation of L1/L2 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.111S | Dislocation of L1/L2 lumbar vertebra, sequela S33.120A
Subluxation of L2/L3 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.120D | Subluxation of L2/L3 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.120S | Subluxation of L2/L3 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.121A | Dislocation of L2/L3 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.121D | Dislocation of L2/L3 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.121S | Dislocation of L2/L3 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.130A | Subluxation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.130D | Subluxation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.130S | Subluxation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.131A | Dislocation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.131D | Dislocation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.131S | Dislocation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.140A | Subluxation of L4/L5 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.140D | Subluxation of L4/L5 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.140S | Subluxation of L4/L5 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.141A | Dislocation of L4/L5 lumbar vertebra, initial encounter |
S33.141D | Dislocation of L4/L5 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter |
S33.141S | Dislocation of L4/L5 lumbar vertebra, sequela |
S33.5XXA | Sprain of ligaments of lumbar spine, initial encounter |
S33.5XXD | Sprain of ligaments of lumbar spine, subsequent encounter |
S33.5XXS | Sprain of ligaments of lumbar spine, sequela |
S33.6XXA | Sprain of sacroiliac joint, initial encounter |
S33.6XXD | Sprain of sacroiliac joint, subsequent encounter |
S33.6XXS | Sprain of sacroiliac joint, sequela S34.21XA Injury of nerve
root of lumbar spine, initial encounter |
S34.21XD | Injury of nerve root of lumbar spine, subsequent encounter |
S34.21XS | Injury of nerve root of lumbar spine, sequela |
S34.22XA | Injury of nerve root of sacral spine, initial encounter |
S34.22XD | Injury of nerve root of sacral spine, subsequent encounter |
S34.22XS | Injury of nerve root of sacral spine, sequela |
S39.002A | Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,
initial encounter |
S39.002D | Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,
subsequent encounter |
S39.002S | Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,
sequela |
S39.012A | Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, initial
encounter |
S39.012D | Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, subsequent
encounter |
S39.012S | Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela |
S39.022A | Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, initial
encounter |
S39.022D | Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,
subsequent encounter |
S39.022S | Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela |
S39.092A | Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,
initial encounter |
S39.092D | Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,
subsequent encounter |
| Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back,