|  | | 08.01.40g | Lanreotide(Somatuline®Depot)08.01.40g | Pharmacy (08) | Lanreotide (Somatuline® Depot) | adae91f7-712f-480d-ab7c-efe812f94865 | 6725 | Lanreotide (Somatuline® Depot) | 08.01.40 | {"6726": {"Id":6726,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 CODES AND NARRATIVES","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9068,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"76f498a6-1110-4318-ab79-6a224bc36273"},} |
|  | | 11.06.10a | Laparoscopic,Percutaneous,andTranscervicalTechniquesforUterineFibroidMyolysis11.06.10a | Surgery (11) | Laparoscopic, Percutaneous, and Transcervical Techniques for Uterine Fibroid Myolysis | 42302818-e908-4f2f-88f6-0e0831441240 | 6412 | Laparoscopic, Percutaneous, and Transcervical Techniques for Uterine Fibroid Myolysis | 11.06.10 | |
|  | | 08.01.33j | LeuprolideAcetate(Camcevi™,Eligard®,Fensolvi®,LupronDepot®)08.01.33j | Pharmacy (08) | Leuprolide Acetate (Camcevi™, Eligard®, Fensolvi®, Lupron Depot®) | 0afa0ba8-5ee1-405f-9af3-fc53c5e18754 | 6956 | Leuprolide Acetate (Camcevi™, Eligard®, Fensolvi®, Lupron Depot®) | 08.01.33 | {"6957": {"Id":6957,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"LEUPROLIDE ACETATE (LUPRON DEPOT - J1950)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9223,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"9c44b8f7-2ef6-4349-a051-bc3883f40b59"},"6958": {"Id":6958,"MPAttachmentLetter":"D","Title":"LEUPROLIDE ACETATE (ELIGARD and LUPRON DEPOT- J9217)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9224,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"21b9a42e-d213-409c-9bb3-3e24ce833842"},"6959": {"Id":6959,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"LEUPROLIDE ACETATE (FENSOLVI- J1951)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9225,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"a48dfec0-403f-47a7-a001-15eee3ef1896"},"6960": {"Id":6960,"MPAttachmentLetter":"C","Title":"LEUPROLIDE MESYLATE (CAMCEVI- J1952)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9226,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"926d8c23-ae85-4ae6-a5f3-3e9cb0b075b9"},} |
|  | | 08.02.22 | Lifileucel(Amtagvi™)08.02.22 | Pharmacy (08) | Lifileucel (Amtagvi™) | 20e97736-e90b-476b-b446-7069809a5e16 | 6815 | Lifileucel (Amtagvi™) | 08.02.22 | |
|  | | 11.08.03m | LipectomyandLiposuction11.08.03m | Surgery (11) | Lipectomy and Liposuction | e44b660b-8f00-4a25-9ba1-4e4d7cca9593 | 6528 | Lipectomy and Liposuction | 11.08.03 | |
|  | | 08.00.59c | Loncastuximabtesirine-lpyl(Zynlonta®)08.00.59c | Pharmacy (08) | Loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl (Zynlonta®) | 6519dbf4-5c4c-4b8b-afac-bdb1355a3748 | 6741 | Loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl (Zynlonta®) | 08.00.59 | |
|  | | 08.02.15 | Lovotibeglogeneautotemcel(Lyfgenia®)08.02.15 | Pharmacy (08) | Lovotibeglogene autotemcel (Lyfgenia®) | 9cb0b199-78ba-4c3b-b1c6-872a97a7e3de | 6908 | Lovotibeglogene autotemcel (Lyfgenia®) | 08.02.15 | |
|  | | 05.00.59p | LowerLimbProstheses05.00.59p | DME (05) | Lower Limb Prostheses | df482a29-ee3c-4fca-a17e-2b2ceeb89658 | 6844 | Lower Limb Prostheses | 05.00.59 | {"6845": {"Id":6845,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"HCPCS Level II Code Number(s) and Narrative(s)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8973,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"62262151-c7b9-48ac-89ac-ab1ab9cc3151"},} |
|  | | 09.00.31d | LowOsmolarContrastAgents09.00.31d | Radiology (09) | Low Osmolar Contrast Agents | 4e39b453-4a5b-4a91-885a-e7b7ab9d5eb9 | 5061 | Low Osmolar Contrast Agents | 09.00.31 | |
|  | | 08.01.74a | Lumasiran(Oxlumo®)08.01.74a | Pharmacy (08) | Lumasiran (Oxlumo®) | 295d8e7d-3ecd-4b08-a01f-1dd5d03a7ba3 | 6902 | Lumasiran (Oxlumo®) | 08.01.74 | |
|  | | 08.01.67c | Lurbinectedin(Zepzelca®)08.01.67c | Pharmacy (08) | Lurbinectedin (Zepzelca®) | f102071f-bcc3-4f35-b7c0-67c5e93a4e42 | 6833 | Lurbinectedin (Zepzelca®) | 08.01.67 | |
|  | | 08.00.10d | Luspatercept–aamt(Reblozyl®)08.00.10d | Pharmacy (08) | Luspatercept–aamt (Reblozyl®) | 7c2f0a75-ff83-4755-8343-648fb98cb970 | 6911 | Luspatercept–aamt (Reblozyl®) | 08.00.10 | |
|  | | 08.01.57a | Lutathera®(LutetiumLu177Dotatate)(IndependenceAdministrators)08.01.57a | Pharmacy (08) | Lutathera® (Lutetium Lu 177 Dotatate) (Independence Administrators) | 1badf96b-891e-4a73-85aa-80b5741a373d | 7067 | Lutathera® (Lutetium Lu 177 Dotatate) (Independence Administrators) | 08.01.57 | |
|  | | 06.02.01k | LymeDisease:DiagnosisandIntravenous(IV)AntibioticTherapy06.02.01k | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Lyme Disease: Diagnosis and Intravenous (IV) Antibiotic Therapy | 166425f2-1f29-4928-94c9-a173194c0858 | 6855 | Lyme Disease: Diagnosis and Intravenous (IV) Antibiotic Therapy | 06.02.01 | |
|  | | 09.00.45l | MagneticResonanceImaging(MRI)ContrastAgents09.00.45l | Radiology (09) | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Contrast Agents | 947402ea-526f-46ed-a776-8a88e3c62b38 | 6759 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Contrast Agents | 09.00.45 | |
|  | | 11.06.06h | MagneticResonanceImaging(MRI)-GuidedFocusedUltrasoundAblation11.06.06h | Surgery (11) | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Guided Focused Ultrasound Ablation | 21d96d18-d927-4380-8f98-20b4e8386da5 | 6983 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Guided Focused Ultrasound Ablation | 11.06.06 | |
|  | | 08.01.37e | MaintenanceTreatmentofOpioidorAlcoholUseDisorder08.01.37e | Pharmacy (08) | Maintenance Treatment of Opioid or Alcohol Use Disorder | 9583e091-b0b2-4403-8739-e8c1e7711519 | 6975 | Maintenance Treatment of Opioid or Alcohol Use Disorder | 08.01.37 | {"6976": {"Id":6976,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD10 Codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9349,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"87975917-77b1-4c62-a4fe-476cf1c66370"},} |
|  | | 11.14.24b | ManipulationUnderAnesthesia11.14.24b | Surgery (11) | Manipulation Under Anesthesia | 8976551b-e116-46a1-9813-0c82b43e743d | 6114 | Manipulation Under Anesthesia | 11.14.24 | |
|  | | 05.00.12j | ManualWheelchairs05.00.12j | DME (05) | Manual Wheelchairs | 772e2554-8368-4fbb-b043-a80f729505ce | 6207 | Manual Wheelchairs | 05.00.12 | {"6208": {"Id":6208,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"HCPCS Codes for Manual Wheelchairs","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8579,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"b18c2cc3-99d2-44fe-a6c5-4d44e69a37b0"},} |
|  | | 08.01.75d | Margetuximab-cmkb(Margenza)08.01.75d | Pharmacy (08) | Margetuximab-cmkb (Margenza) | 9227af42-a430-48f7-9904-8ca65fcec746 | 6864 | Margetuximab-cmkb (Margenza) | 08.01.75 | {"6865": {"Id":6865,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD 10 Codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9095,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"8f3508ce-ed64-4d3e-a0dd-68d24aba3702"},} |
|  | | 00.01.48d | MarijuanaforMedicalUse00.01.48d | Administrative (00) | Marijuana for Medical Use | e2f8796c-a9d5-4675-8532-35b82f7ebbd4 | 5488 | Marijuana for Medical Use | 00.01.48 | |
|  | | 07.11.02f | MeasurementofExhaledNitricOxideandBreathCondensateintheDiagnosisandManagementofAsthmaandOtherRespiratoryDisorders07.11.02f | Medicine (07) | Measurement of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Breath Condensate in the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma and Other Respiratory Disorders | 89422972-29b8-4ad7-a651-3fa27674e81e | 7050 | Measurement of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Breath Condensate in the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma and Other Respiratory Disorders | 07.11.02 | |
|  | | 06.02.39d | MeasurementofSerumAntibodiestoandMeasurementofSerumLevelsofBiologics06.02.39d | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Measurement of Serum Antibodies to and Measurement of Serum Levels of Biologics | 65bbc3e9-8e40-432f-82c2-3f804df0b4c1 | 6349 | Measurement of Serum Antibodies to and Measurement of Serum Levels of Biologics | 06.02.39 | |
|  | | 05.00.70d | MechanicalStretchingDevicesfortheTreatmentofJointStiffnessorContractures05.00.70d | DME (05) | Mechanical Stretching Devices for the Treatment of Joint Stiffness or Contractures | 9439e929-7846-47e0-909c-412ceae03cb5 | 7055 | Mechanical Stretching Devices for the Treatment of Joint Stiffness or Contractures | 05.00.70 | |
|  | | 07.08.03i | MedicalandSurgicalTreatmentofTemporomandibularJointDisorder07.08.03i | Medicine (07) | Medical and Surgical Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder | 1950a315-92b0-495c-b23e-461bb1148962 | 6067 | Medical and Surgical Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder | 07.08.03 | |
|  | | 12.01.02b | MedicalNecessity12.01.02b | Miscellaneous (12) | Medical Necessity | bb08b5cc-c464-4f52-97b2-28a1416a6ba5 | 6503 | Medical Necessity | 12.01.02 | |
|  | | 10.00.04 | MedicalNutritionTherapy(MNT)/NutritionCounseling10.00.04 | Rehabilitation Services (10) | Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)/Nutrition Counseling | add5dad9-edf0-49b1-8c22-d29d05068165 | 6896 | Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)/Nutrition Counseling | 10.00.04 | |
|  | | 11.14.03h | MeniscalAllograftTransplantationandMeniscalImplants(IndependenceAdministrators)11.14.03h | Surgery (11) | Meniscal Allograft Transplantation and Meniscal Implants (Independence Administrators) | c1c3f72e-3e26-48d1-920e-6966db2d369a | 6578 | Meniscal Allograft Transplantation and Meniscal Implants (Independence Administrators) | 11.14.03 | {"6579": {"Id":6579,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10-CM codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8941,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"45bb9eef-480c-4cb5-8094-6bc614753d72"},} |
|  | | 11.14.01h | MentoplastyorGenioplasty11.14.01h | Surgery (11) | Mentoplasty or Genioplasty | 24207755-bd19-4fbf-8625-ff1efc4f6178 | 6506 | Mentoplasty or Genioplasty | 11.14.01 | |
|  | | 11.14.21k | Microprocessor-ControlledProsthesesforLower-ExtremityAmputees11.14.21k | Surgery (11) | Microprocessor-Controlled Prostheses for Lower-Extremity Amputees | 21874fac-26e1-4dad-b976-d7e95613351b | 6649 | Microprocessor-Controlled Prostheses for Lower-Extremity Amputees | 11.14.21 | |
|  | | 11.15.24a | MigraineDeactivationSurgery11.15.24a | Surgery (11) | Migraine Deactivation Surgery | 2bbd18b7-831e-4bf7-84c1-8f22c0d30d45 | 6214 | Migraine Deactivation Surgery | 11.15.24 | |
|  | | 08.02.19 | Mirikizumab-mrkz(Omvoh™)forIntravenousUse08.02.19 | Pharmacy (08) | Mirikizumab-mrkz (Omvoh™) for Intravenous Use | 9bcbfef7-18de-42ef-87b6-55a80be01439 | 6571 | Mirikizumab-mrkz (Omvoh™) for Intravenous Use | 08.02.19 | |
|  | | 08.02.01b | Mirvetuximabsoravtansine-gynx(Elahere™)08.02.01b | Pharmacy (08) | Mirvetuximab soravtansine-gynx (Elahere™) | 72d46cbb-4484-45a9-b692-6a2f50ba4e59 | 6322 | Mirvetuximab soravtansine-gynx (Elahere™) | 08.02.01 | |
|  | | 03.00.15p | Modifier24:UnrelatedEvaluationandManagementServicebytheSamePhysicianorOtherQualifiedHealthCareProfessionalDuringaPostoperativePeriod03.00.15p | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 24: Unrelated Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional During a Postoperative Period | de9e9c47-3bb4-480c-af79-6d57825dc617 | 5064 | Modifier 24: Unrelated Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional During a Postoperative Period | 03.00.15 | |
|  | | 03.00.06ab | Modifier25:Significant,SeparatelyIdentifiableEvaluationandManagementServicebytheSamePhysicianorOtherQualifiedHealthCareProfessionalontheSameDayoftheProcedureorOtherService03.00.06ab | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 25: Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional on the Same Day of the Procedure or Other Service | 447c313a-5436-425f-b57c-46028e2d8c7a | 7090 | Modifier 25: Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional on the Same Day of the Procedure or Other Service | 03.00.06 | {"7091": {"Id":7091,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"Problem-focused E&M Codes appended with modifier 25 should be reimbursed at 50% of the applicable fee schedule amount when submitted on the same date of service by the same professional provider or other qualified health care provider, as a preventive E&","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9476,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"91896999-c2c3-452f-875b-023c34502b90"},"7092": {"Id":7092,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"E&M codes appended with modifier 25 should be reimbursed at 50% of the applicable fee schedule amount when submitted on the same date of service, by the same professional provider or other qualified health care provider, as a minor procedure.","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9477,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"942a2919-0c99-4c05-9660-2c6219ccc48e"},} |
|  | | 03.00.05z | Modifier50:BilateralProcedure03.00.05z | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 50: Bilateral Procedure | fa6af219-5eba-4d42-863b-a2ff5d9ad211 | 6915 | Modifier 50: Bilateral Procedure | 03.00.05 | |
|  | | 03.00.32b | Modifier52:ReducedServices03.00.32b | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 52: Reduced Services | c089bb2c-423f-4e85-8d78-7e2522acf4bf | 5522 | Modifier 52: Reduced Services | 03.00.32 | |
|  | | 03.00.33b | Modifier53:DiscontinuedProcedure03.00.33b | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 53: Discontinued Procedure | b835e172-8f47-42be-a0cf-3f63a7d3133d | 5523 | Modifier 53: Discontinued Procedure | 03.00.33 | |
|  | | 03.00.16p | Modifier57:DecisionforSurgery03.00.16p | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 57: Decision for Surgery | b5c59444-0f62-4fcb-8717-62bb24a5bbaf | 5489 | Modifier 57: Decision for Surgery | 03.00.16 | |
|  | | 00.10.11ab | Modifier62:TwoSurgeons00.10.11ab | Administrative (00) | Modifier 62: Two Surgeons | 122b6437-68a7-47a3-ad58-b8d7b6959500 | 6916 | Modifier 62: Two Surgeons | 00.10.11 | |
|  | | 00.10.17o | Modifier66:SurgicalTeam00.10.17o | Administrative (00) | Modifier 66: Surgical Team | cee9d4a3-ebc8-4a88-b14f-de037afbcbe6 | 5980 | Modifier 66: Surgical Team | 00.10.17 | {"5981": {"Id":5981,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"Team Surgery Review Form","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8358,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"24fdde6f-63ee-472b-9e9e-00fd65735f42"},} |
|  | | 03.00.02c | Modifier76:RepeatProcedureorServicebySamePhysicianorOtherQualifiedHealthCareProfessional03.00.02c | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 76: Repeat Procedure or Service by Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional | 42176633-901e-445a-8b52-c1d8653c85bf | 5104 | Modifier 76: Repeat Procedure or Service by Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional | 03.00.02 | |
|  | | 03.00.11c | Modifier77:RepeatProcedureorServicebyAnotherPhysicianorOtherQualifiedHealthCareProfessional03.00.11c | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 77: Repeat Procedure or Service by Another Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional | 37236b28-776f-4b06-9c4f-02834e055984 | 5101 | Modifier 77: Repeat Procedure or Service by Another Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional | 03.00.11 | |
|  | | 03.00.12g | Modifier78:UnplannedReturntotheOperating/ProcedureRoombytheSamePhysicianorOtherQualifiedHealthCareProfessionalFollowingtheInitialProcedureforaRelatedProcedureDuringthePostoperativePeriod03.00.12g | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 78: Unplanned Return to the Operating/Procedure Room by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional Following the Initial Procedure for a Related Procedure During the Postoperative Period | e6f338ca-9339-4559-a434-d115fab590e0 | 5105 | Modifier 78: Unplanned Return to the Operating/Procedure Room by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional Following the Initial Procedure for a Related Procedure During the Postoperative Period | 03.00.12 | |
|  | | 03.00.28n | Modifier79:UnrelatedProcedureorServicebytheSamePhysicianorOtherQualifiedHealthCareProfessionalDuringthePostoperativePeriod03.00.28n | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifier 79: Unrelated Procedure or Service by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional During the Postoperative Period | eda29625-d354-43e3-a2cf-888ee03cc897 | 5102 | Modifier 79: Unrelated Procedure or Service by the Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional During the Postoperative Period | 03.00.28 | |
|  | | 03.00.20t | Modifiers26(ProfessionalComponent)andTC(TechnicalComponent)03.00.20t | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifiers 26 (Professional Component) and TC (Technical Component) | 42f028a1-e4b4-4c50-82cb-05fc6c8314d0 | 7089 | Modifiers 26 (Professional Component) and TC (Technical Component) | 03.00.20 | |
|  | | 00.10.18y | ModifiersforAssistant-at-SurgeryServices:80,81,82,andAS00.10.18y | Administrative (00) | Modifiers for Assistant-at-Surgery Services: 80, 81, 82, and AS | 6f51046e-5480-4081-8e50-e246466d3c73 | 6746 | Modifiers for Assistant-at-Surgery Services: 80, 81, 82, and AS | 00.10.18 | |
|  | | 03.00.31g | ModifiersforSplitorSharedSurgicalServices(Modifiers54,55,and56)03.00.31g | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifiers for Split or Shared Surgical Services (Modifiers 54, 55, and 56) | 0e19258a-b273-40cc-97ad-49f9bf2c9f4c | 5520 | Modifiers for Split or Shared Surgical Services (Modifiers 54, 55, and 56) | 03.00.31 | |
|  | | 03.00.08f | ModifiersXE,XS,XP,XU,and5903.00.08f | Clinical Logic (03) | Modifiers XE, XS, XP, XU, and 59 | eba0dc49-63b2-4445-9acc-208c2f6b979e | 6631 | Modifiers XE, XS, XP, XU, and 59 | 03.00.08 | |
|  | | 08.01.52f | Mogamulizumab-kpkc(Poteligeo®)08.01.52f | Pharmacy (08) | Mogamulizumab-kpkc (Poteligeo®) | 60ea10d4-db3c-4d7c-a253-20b66ed4e7e2 | 6323 | Mogamulizumab-kpkc (Poteligeo®) | 08.01.52 | |
|  | | 11.08.23k | MohsMicrographicSurgery11.08.23k | Surgery (11) | Mohs Micrographic Surgery | d2afa137-cc2f-4a14-8d24-28c4eda18252 | 6090 | Mohs Micrographic Surgery | 11.08.23 | {"6091": {"Id":6091,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD 10 Codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8479,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"bd0ed2ed-dab4-4dce-bab8-93180a43ff67"},} |
|  | | 06.02.36d | MolecularTestingfortheManagementofPancreaticCystsorBarrett'sEsophagus(IndependenceAdministrators)06.02.36d | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Molecular Testing for the Management of Pancreatic Cysts or Barrett's Esophagus (Independence Administrators) | e0a90c62-6b50-403d-bdfe-f6b6ea545afd | 5283 | Molecular Testing for the Management of Pancreatic Cysts or Barrett's Esophagus (Independence Administrators) | 06.02.36 | |
|  | | 08.01.93e | MonoclonalAntibodiesDirectedAgainstAmyloidfortheTreatmentofAlzheimerDisease08.01.93e | Pharmacy (08) | Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Amyloid for the Treatment of Alzheimer Disease | 95fb0852-74d3-4b07-8760-d77ab5981fd3 | 6900 | Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Amyloid for the Treatment of Alzheimer Disease | 08.01.93 | |
|  | | 08.02.00b | Mosunetuzumab-axgb(Lunsumio™)08.02.00b | Pharmacy (08) | Mosunetuzumab-axgb (Lunsumio™) | 72ac7bea-3bbc-4a29-9d19-7f8e45327c67 | 6163 | Mosunetuzumab-axgb (Lunsumio™) | 08.02.00 | |
|  | | 06.02.32d | MultigeneExpressionAssaysforPredictingRecurrenceinColonCancer(IndependenceAdministrators)06.02.32d | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Multigene Expression Assays for Predicting Recurrence in Colon Cancer (Independence Administrators) | 4fc4b535-f234-481b-96c2-e7e84fcaecd4 | 6211 | Multigene Expression Assays for Predicting Recurrence in Colon Cancer (Independence Administrators) | 06.02.32 | |
|  | | 00.01.60i | MultipleProcedurePaymentReduction(MPPR)onCertainDiagnosticServices00.01.60i | Administrative (00) | Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Certain Diagnostic Services | 1decf4ce-ff05-4578-b4ab-1846c812b195 | 5875 | Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Certain Diagnostic Services | 00.01.60 | {} |
|  | | 00.01.68b | MultipleProcedurePaymentReductionGuidelinesforPhysical,Occupational,andSpeechTherapyServices00.01.68b | Administrative (00) | Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction Guidelines for Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Services | 4d788700-fa17-4cdd-840b-edd1ae23c9de | 6368 | Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction Guidelines for Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Services | 00.01.68 | {"6369": {"Id":6369,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"Multiple Reduction Always Therapy Procedure Codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8720,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"fe2a6487-915a-4e8f-a3f0-78d28254ed21"},} |
|  | | 11.00.10y | MultipleSurgeryPaymentReduction11.00.10y | Surgery (11) | Multiple Surgery Payment Reduction | 10b463d3-2bb6-459b-8b1d-f17a56eb5f88 | 6954 | Multiple Surgery Payment Reduction | 11.00.10 | {} |
|  | | 00.01.66o | MusculoskeletalServices(Independence)00.01.66o | Administrative (00) | Musculoskeletal Services (Independence) | 8a04f83e-796b-4281-a6e7-752b33f63ac7 | 6984 | Musculoskeletal Services (Independence) | 00.01.66 | {"6985": {"Id":6985,"MPAttachmentLetter":"C","Title":"Procedures Codes for Interventional Pain Management","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9373,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"7378fe98-39b3-48b7-9aa0-42ffd318e32e"},"6986": {"Id":6986,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"Procedure Codes for Joint Surgery","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9374,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"201d3b20-1d7c-4b0a-b3b8-e2577e016351"},"6987": {"Id":6987,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"Procedure Codes for Spinal Surgery","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9375,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"26fc3b7b-e66b-4280-aa43-80fbd794807f"},} |
|  | | 08.02.11b | NadofarageneFiradenovec-vncg(Adstiladrin®)08.02.11b | Pharmacy (08) | Nadofaragene Firadenovec-vncg (Adstiladrin®) | 28d9baa9-72c2-4bf9-a06b-c6a66e7a6e6e | 6817 | Nadofaragene Firadenovec-vncg (Adstiladrin®) | 08.02.11 | |
|  | | 08.00.64h | Natalizumab(Tysabri®)andRelatedBiosimilars08.00.64h | Pharmacy (08) | Natalizumab (Tysabri®) and Related Biosimilars | 5a9f46b9-076b-432e-911f-6f988f7eb7e0 | 6136 | Natalizumab (Tysabri®) and Related Biosimilars | 08.00.64 | |
|  | | 00.01.56b | NationalCorrectCodingInitiative(NCCI)CodePairEdits00.01.56b | Administrative (00) | National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Code Pair Edits | f9a23570-9bcf-4c3d-b80c-800b09727c20 | 5521 | National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Code Pair Edits | 00.01.56 | |
|  | | 05.00.15t | NebulizersandInhalationSolutions05.00.15t | DME (05) | Nebulizers and Inhalation Solutions | c854ca91-0ae0-42e0-b507-b928491d10e7 | 6832 | Nebulizers and Inhalation Solutions | 05.00.15 | |
|  | | 05.00.38m | NegativePressureWoundTherapySystems05.00.38m | DME (05) | Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Systems | 49d423dc-c100-4119-96c9-325d9c3971db | 5779 | Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Systems | 05.00.38 | |
|  | | 06.02.38d | NerveFiberDensityTesting06.02.38d | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Nerve Fiber Density Testing | b666bcb7-bdc6-4813-9738-a428187bfc09 | 6498 | Nerve Fiber Density Testing | 06.02.38 | |
|  | | 05.00.73g | NeuromuscularElectricalStimulators(NMES)andFunctionalElectricalStimulators(FES)05.00.73g | DME (05) | Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulators (NMES) and Functional Electrical Stimulators (FES) | 920611f4-d021-4c4f-8b7a-db41eaa19492 | 6329 | Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulators (NMES) and Functional Electrical Stimulators (FES) | 05.00.73 | |
|  | | 07.03.08o | NeuropsychologicalTestingforNeurologicallyBasedConditions07.03.08o | Medicine (07) | Neuropsychological Testing for Neurologically Based Conditions | 5d8e82ee-3645-4d22-8341-e7c4aef3a697 | 6912 | Neuropsychological Testing for Neurologically Based Conditions | 07.03.08 | {"6913": {"Id":6913,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 Codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8990,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"5a3b9f1d-5e1b-4e73-859a-f7d2bb9636d1"},} |
|  | | 00.01.44j | NeverEventsandPreventableSeriousAdverseEvents00.01.44j | Administrative (00) | Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events | 335dc023-63c8-481b-bd7c-7e95bce642c2 | 6400 | Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events | 00.01.44 | {"6401": {"Id":6401,"MPAttachmentLetter":"C","Title":"Never Event or Preventable Serious Adverse Event Reporting Form","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8813,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"86c56a21-135b-415f-af11-e8c09fb82599"},"6402": {"Id":6402,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"Pennsylvania House Bill No. 84 addressing Never Events and Preventable Serious Adverse Events","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8814,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"3489e612-c454-4775-8c33-15bbbf69f7f6"},"6403": {"Id":6403,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"New Jersey Act No. 2471","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8815,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"add9372b-2bdd-482b-b1d4-8b92fa7e94d8"},} |
|  | | 08.01.62d | Nivolumab(Opdivo®)08.01.62d | Pharmacy (08) | Nivolumab (Opdivo®) | 51aa044f-26fa-4604-9128-64d319b95cca | 6680 | Nivolumab (Opdivo®) | 08.01.62 | {"6681": {"Id":6681,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 Codes and Narratives","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9101,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"aba99468-c529-4155-a79a-e64566d4e69a"},} |
|  | | 08.01.94c | NivolumabandRelatlimab-rmbw(Opdualag™)08.01.94c | Pharmacy (08) | Nivolumab and Relatlimab-rmbw (Opdualag™) | a94a1888-1f39-468f-9f06-abf9336d3587 | 6169 | Nivolumab and Relatlimab-rmbw (Opdualag™) | 08.01.94 | |
|  | | 07.10.05n | NoncontraceptiveUseoftheLevonorgestrel-ReleasingIntrauterineSystem07.10.05n | Medicine (07) | Noncontraceptive Use of the Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System | 13b9c97f-ff4d-43d9-b34a-c0f632675400 | 6423 | Noncontraceptive Use of the Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System | 07.10.05 | |
|  | | 07.03.25a | NonemergentInpatientVideoElectroencephalogram(EEG)MonitoringandAmbulatoryEEGMonitoringintheHome07.03.25a | Medicine (07) | Nonemergent Inpatient Video Electroencephalogram (EEG) Monitoring and Ambulatory EEG Monitoring in the Home | baa4ece9-98ba-4323-a3b4-ceeff01fedb4 | 6502 | Nonemergent Inpatient Video Electroencephalogram (EEG) Monitoring and Ambulatory EEG Monitoring in the Home | 07.03.25 | |
|  | | 06.02.47f | NoninvasivePrenatalScreeningforFetalAneuploidiesUsingCell-FreeFetalDNA(IndependenceAdministrators)06.02.47f | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for Fetal Aneuploidies Using Cell-Free Fetal DNA (Independence Administrators) | 57540b80-7f18-4548-98c7-4638cdca52bc | 7084 | Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for Fetal Aneuploidies Using Cell-Free Fetal DNA (Independence Administrators) | 06.02.47 | |
|  | | 05.00.30p | NoninvasiveRespiratoryAssistDevices(RADs):ContinuousPositiveAirwayPressure(CPAP)Devices,Auto-AdjustingPositiveAirwayPressure(APAP)andBi-LevelDevices05.00.30p | DME (05) | Noninvasive Respiratory Assist Devices (RADs): Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices, Auto-Adjusting Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) and Bi-Level Devices | 295f32d5-9491-4fc9-adff-c1e4573a8a21 | 6573 | Noninvasive Respiratory Assist Devices (RADs): Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices, Auto-Adjusting Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) and Bi-Level Devices | 05.00.30 | |
|  | | 06.02.56i | NoninvasiveTechniquesfortheEvaluationandMonitoringofIndividualswithChronicLiverDisease06.02.56i | Pathology and Laboratory (06) | Noninvasive Techniques for the Evaluation and Monitoring of Individuals with Chronic Liver Disease | 9c7a1087-5c3f-4665-b4a9-c12cd594006d | 7053 | Noninvasive Techniques for the Evaluation and Monitoring of Individuals with Chronic Liver Disease | 06.02.56 | |
|  | | 07.08.01f | Non-SurgicalSpinalDecompressionTherapy07.08.01f | Medicine (07) | Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy | b02f004a-3f5f-49af-aff7-4c1f6299e9f1 | 6076 | Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy | 07.08.01 | |
|  | | 00.01.24k | NotMedicallyNecessaryServicesandObsoleteorUnreliableDiagnosticTests00.01.24k | Administrative (00) | Not Medically Necessary Services and Obsolete or Unreliable Diagnostic Tests | 43dd1977-9420-4cbb-a74d-ac0a2d28adee | 6364 | Not Medically Necessary Services and Obsolete or Unreliable Diagnostic Tests | 00.01.24 | |
|  | | 11.15.19e | Nucleoplasty11.15.19e | Surgery (11) | Nucleoplasty | 58ba51cb-1c54-4697-8bb4-1ecbbd406190 | 6326 | Nucleoplasty | 11.15.19 | |
|  | | 08.00.18q | NutritionalFormulas,EnteralNutrition,MedicalFoods,Low-ProteinModifiedFoodProducts,andDonatedBreastMilk08.00.18q | Pharmacy (08) | Nutritional Formulas, Enteral Nutrition, Medical Foods, Low-Protein Modified Food Products, and Donated Breast Milk | 435660d4-7c54-452f-bcc7-4a76f0c9ef7a | 6610 | Nutritional Formulas, Enteral Nutrition, Medical Foods, Low-Protein Modified Food Products, and Donated Breast Milk | 08.00.18 | {"6611": {"Id":6611,"MPAttachmentLetter":"C","Title":"Caloric Requirements","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8363,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"42e3e8cf-53a8-4998-b2c0-0a647c5e2eda"},"6612": {"Id":6612,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"PA Mandates","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8663,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"bfb4fd8f-93c5-4d1d-b2dc-434af48c0a30"},"6613": {"Id":6613,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"NJ Mandates","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8664,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"98e001d1-bc6d-4fb7-96cb-e9cef6e17eb8"},} |
|  | | 00.03.10F | ObstetricalUltrasoundsforMembersEnrolledinaHealthMaintenanceOrganization(HMO)orHealthMaintenanceOrganizationPoint-of-Service(HMO-POS)Product00.03.10F | Administrative (00) | Obstetrical Ultrasounds for Members Enrolled in a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Health Maintenance Organization Point-of-Service (HMO-POS) Product | 7f8302c2-19f4-4ddb-8f99-4a0bfa735caf | 5560 | Obstetrical Ultrasounds for Members Enrolled in a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Health Maintenance Organization Point-of-Service (HMO-POS) Product | 00.03.10 | {"5561": {"Id":5561,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"Rule out Ectopic Pregnancy","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":7548,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"93506959-7870-42f1-aab0-85b9aa8f67dd"},"5562": {"Id":5562,"MPAttachmentLetter":"C","Title":"Rule out intrauterine pathology and Screening for Fetal abnormalities","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":7549,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"b1e7dbb7-62be-499f-a75c-1852e92dae11"},"5563": {"Id":5563,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"High Risk Pregnancy","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":7550,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"79c5e79c-da07-4d3f-a0c8-3cdef56fd0dd"},"5564": {"Id":5564,"MPAttachmentLetter":"D","Title":"First-trimester screening and Ovarian Dysfunction","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":7551,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"e83b73f7-1ee4-4c48-a27a-5307de6ba5af"},} |
|  | | 08.01.38c | Ocrelizumab(Ocrevus®)08.01.38c | Pharmacy (08) | Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus®) | a46722d8-70d8-4f2b-8a3a-3a05bf1e9e47 | 6204 | Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus®) | 08.01.38 | |
|  | | 08.01.10j | OctreotideAcetate(Sandostatin®LARDepot)08.01.10j | Pharmacy (08) | Octreotide Acetate (Sandostatin® LAR Depot) | 5d1e5573-c880-46bf-abfc-d4fb8503c388 | 6694 | Octreotide Acetate (Sandostatin® LAR Depot) | 08.01.10 | {"6695": {"Id":6695,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 CODES AND NARRATIVES","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9105,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"80f8194e-57a5-4187-9fc8-4b6e56fd7ac5"},} |
|  | | 08.00.15f | Off-labelCoverageforPrescriptionDrugsand/orBiologics08.00.15f | Pharmacy (08) | Off-label Coverage for Prescription Drugs and/or Biologics | c71c0b6a-978f-48b5-a9ef-21f4bc410161 | 6626 | Off-label Coverage for Prescription Drugs and/or Biologics | 08.00.15 | |
|  | | 08.01.96a | olipudasealfa-rpcp(Xenpozyme™)08.01.96a | Pharmacy (08) | olipudase alfa-rpcp (Xenpozyme™) | 82766385-cc7c-4d38-92a3-60d3a64891cc | 6020 | olipudase alfa-rpcp (Xenpozyme™) | 08.01.96 | {"6021": {"Id":6021,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"Dosing and Frequency Requirements for olipudase alfa-rpcp (Xenpozyme)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8307,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"0625ef2b-5709-4de4-b2c2-29b854d42dfd"},} |
|  | | 08.00.55l | Omalizumab(Xolair®)08.00.55l | Pharmacy (08) | Omalizumab (Xolair®) | a012a52c-6653-4582-b0d3-a26ca273326b | 7022 | Omalizumab (Xolair®) | 08.00.55 | {"7023": {"Id":7023,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"Dosing and Frequency Requirements for Omalizumab (Xolair®)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9229,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"7a9afb97-0bb2-4b83-879c-d0607db229d0"},} |
|  | | 11.14.08d | OrthognathicSurgery11.14.08d | Surgery (11) | Orthognathic Surgery | 6805c0ac-0631-4eb5-9b58-51b0b72e4c6a | 6055 | Orthognathic Surgery | 11.14.08 | |
|  | | 07.13.01k | Orthoptic/PleopticTraining07.13.01k | Medicine (07) | Orthoptic/Pleoptic Training | 4af2009d-12eb-47ca-8a30-d4feb336ceb5 | 6520 | Orthoptic/Pleoptic Training | 07.13.01 | |
|  | | 11.14.12f | OsteochondralAllograftTransplantation(IndependenceAdministrators)11.14.12f | Surgery (11) | Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (Independence Administrators) | c5bbc564-020e-4118-be30-6a64af0719ea | 6601 | Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (Independence Administrators) | 11.14.12 | |
|  | | 11.14.09h | OsteochondralAutograftTransplantation(IndependenceAdministrators)11.14.09h | Surgery (11) | Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation (Independence Administrators) | dc351354-56b1-420b-a53f-9e139e0b31a9 | 6602 | Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation (Independence Administrators) | 11.14.09 | |
|  | | 05.00.81a | OsteogenicStimulators(non-invasive,invasive/semi-invasive,electricalandultrasound)05.00.81a | DME (05) | Osteogenic Stimulators (non-invasive, invasive/semi-invasive, electrical and ultrasound) | 67833537-3aa0-4e81-a63d-cf64be38d5b2 | 6580 | Osteogenic Stimulators (non-invasive, invasive/semi-invasive, electrical and ultrasound) | 05.00.81 | |
|  | | 05.00.50o | OstomySupplies05.00.50o | DME (05) | Ostomy Supplies | 9e31cf31-d670-4f98-91af-d3ec7a9e93ef | 6507 | Ostomy Supplies | 05.00.50 | {"6508": {"Id":6508,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"HCPCS Codes for Ostomy Supplies","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":8868,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"a38a85e0-a16b-44dc-a8ed-c49209411833"},} |
|  | | 11.01.01j | OtoplastyorNon-SurgicalExternalEarMolding11.01.01j | Surgery (11) | Otoplasty or Non-Surgical External Ear Molding | 58df21df-3284-4798-9731-6f9040b9d45a | 6645 | Otoplasty or Non-Surgical External Ear Molding | 11.01.01 | |
|  | | 12.05.01j | OutpatientDiabetesEducationandSelf-ManagementTraining12.05.01j | Miscellaneous (12) | Outpatient Diabetes Education and Self-Management Training | 14e4a1df-d766-40d5-b280-eace3f7f69d1 | 2625 | Outpatient Diabetes Education and Self-Management Training | 12.05.01 | {"2626": {"Id":2626,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 CM Codes Eligible to be Reported for Outpatient Diabetes Education and Self-Management Training (E08.00- E10.3491)","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":2371,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"ed035dfc-85f7-4a19-b93a-5a68d1226e03"},"2627": {"Id":2627,"MPAttachmentLetter":"B","Title":"ICD-10 CM Codes Eligible to be Reported for Outpatient Diabetes Education and Self-Management Training (E10.3492- E13.37X2), Continued","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":2372,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"bd6c3245-6e36-47c4-b728-9b5efac2262f"},"2628": {"Id":2628,"MPAttachmentLetter":"C","Title":"ICD-10 CM Codes Eligible to be Reported for Outpatient Diabetes Education and Self-Management Training (E13.37X3- P70.2), Continued","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":2373,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"a903e29d-10c8-4b14-a150-f61bffb56003"},} |
|  | | 10.03.01o | OutpatientPhysicalMedicine,Rehabilitation,andHabilitationServices10.03.01o | Rehabilitation Services (10) | Outpatient Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Habilitation Services | 5cb7351b-c0f6-4bf6-a9a8-3109571bd6fb | 6012 | Outpatient Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Habilitation Services | 10.03.01 | |
|  | | 00.03.03i | OutpatientShort-TermRehabilitationServicesIncludedinCapitation00.03.03i | Administrative (00) | Outpatient Short-Term Rehabilitation Services Included in Capitation | 723a7d76-536e-4781-b75b-5d23704d4fb7 | 5576 | Outpatient Short-Term Rehabilitation Services Included in Capitation | 00.03.03 | {"5577": {"Id":5577,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"No Title","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":7603,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"e3568853-d080-4f2e-ad60-2cc28a1b9be4"},} |
|  | | 11.06.07e | OvarianandInternalIliacVeinEmbolizationasTreatmentforPelvicCongestionSyndrome11.06.07e | Surgery (11) | Ovarian and Internal Iliac Vein Embolization as Treatment for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome | 83fb20db-ff19-4f94-960f-986ee8ee0d15 | 7007 | Ovarian and Internal Iliac Vein Embolization as Treatment for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome | 11.06.07 | |
|  | | 08.00.90s | PaclitaxelProtein-BoundParticlesforInjectableSuspension(Albumin-Bound)/(Abraxane®forInjectableSuspension)08.00.90s | Pharmacy (08) | Paclitaxel Protein-Bound Particles for Injectable Suspension (Albumin-Bound)/(Abraxane® for Injectable Suspension) | fb1e4d68-a024-4e07-8042-d06655d3d86e | 6977 | Paclitaxel Protein-Bound Particles for Injectable Suspension (Albumin-Bound)/(Abraxane® for Injectable Suspension) | 08.00.90 | {"6978": {"Id":6978,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9352,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"51250650-1f9a-4967-aede-011d8075670a"},} |
|  | | 07.03.27 | PainManagementofPeripheralNervesbyInjection07.03.27 | Medicine (07) | Pain Management of Peripheral Nerves by Injection | a69f8000-b53d-462b-a2c8-2e5dc19e19f6 | 6841 | Pain Management of Peripheral Nerves by Injection | 07.03.27 | |
|  | | 08.00.22q | Palivizumab(Synagis)08.00.22q | Pharmacy (08) | Palivizumab (Synagis) | fc96e0df-db10-4272-b4ef-87b0ab7506b5 | 6577 | Palivizumab (Synagis) | 08.00.22 | |
|  | | 11.08.06k | Panniculectomy,Abdominoplasty,AbdominalLipectomy,andOtherExcisionsofRedundantSkin11.08.06k | Surgery (11) | Panniculectomy, Abdominoplasty, Abdominal Lipectomy, and Other Excisions of Redundant Skin | fd68f44f-7448-46e7-9cfc-f3f862c64c3a | 6685 | Panniculectomy, Abdominoplasty, Abdominal Lipectomy, and Other Excisions of Redundant Skin | 11.08.06 | {"6686": {"Id":6686,"MPAttachmentLetter":"A","Title":"ICD-10 codes","MPPolicyAttachmentInternalSourceId":9107,"PolicyAttachmentPageName":"96c69835-3b7e-4b55-911d-bbd22489953c"},} |